A Project of the Center for the Study of Leadership and Ethics in Education (CSLEE)
Promoting Justice Through Authentic Leadership
Manuscript Requirements:
Submission: Manuscripts must be submitted directly to the editors as attached Word.doc files sent via email to JALE.Editors@gmail.com. Prospective author(s) must include a statement that indicates they agree to the submission of the manuscript, and that the manuscript has not been published, and is not under consideration for publication, in part or in substance, elsewhere.
ISSN Online: 1925-282X
Frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year)
Format: Online
Language of Publication: English (either American or British Standard, but not the mixture of both).
Review Policy: Double Blind Peer Review​
Length of Paper: Manuscripts should be between 2,500 and 5,000 words in length.
Font & Spacing: Manuscripts should be type-written in 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides.
Title Page: Submit a separate title page which includes author(s)’ details: title, author(s), affiliation, country, and email address(es).
Body of Paper: The body of the paper should not identify the author(s).
First Page: The first page should include the title of the paper and an abstract
Abstract: Should have between 100-150 words.
Keywords: Provide up to six keywords that identify the central subjects addressed in the manuscript.
Page Numbering: The manuscript should be consecutively numbered throughout the paper in the upper right-hand corner.
Running Header: with a running header on the upper left-hand corner.
Tables & Figures: Additional items such diagrams, tables, and figures should be kept at a minimum, appear in black and white, and follow the manuscript in numbered order corresponding to numbered placeholders in the text.
Footnotes & Endnotes: Footnotes and endnotes should be avoided whenever possible.
References: References and citations should be in alphabetical order and chronological within alphabetical order. They should adhere to the specifications described in the latest version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (currently the APA 7th edition, 2019). See the following format:
Murakami, E., & Mackey, H. (2018). Beyond marginality: Understanding the intersection of race,
ethnicity, gender, and difference in educational leadership research. Charlotte, NC: Information
Age Publishing.
Rintoul, H., & Normore, A. H. (2020). Values-Based Leadership and the Quest for Inclusive
Organizational Practices. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
Stanley, R. J. & Hollander, M. P. (1992). Beyond the boundaries: The quest for knowledge.
Administrative Life, 2(3), 36-49.
The editors reserve the right to make changes to the manuscript to ensure that it conforms to the house style.
All articles will be reviewed by the editors to determine their suitability for this international publication. Articles will also go through a blind review process conducted by at least two additional reviewers.
JALE is an independently published quarterly, as a project of the Consortium for the Study of Ethics in Education (CSLEE) of UCEA. This journal is published online only at https://jalejournal.wixsite.com/jale-journal.
Copyright for articles published in JALE is retained by the author(s) with first publication rights granted to the journal. JALE is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work.
Address all papers, editorial correspondence, and subscription information requests to the editors at JALE.Editors@gmail.com.